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L'Ukraine bat la Russie à l'Eurovision







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L'Ukraine bat la Russie à l'Eurovision

La chanteuse représentant l'Ukraine Jamala à l'Eurovision à Stockholm le 14 mai 2016 (Photo JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/

L'Ukraine a remporté le concours Eurovision de la chanson dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Stockholm, devant l'Australie, préférée par les jurys professionnels, et devant le favori des parieurs, la Russie.

Le pays, meurtri par un conflit dans l'Est et l'annexion de la péninsule de Crimée par son voisin russe en 2014, aura fait de cette émission une véritable tribune politique avec le choix de Jamala.

Dimanche 15 mai 2016, 02h33
La chanteuse de 32 ans, Tatare de Crimée, a évoqué dans "1944" la déportation de son peuple par Staline. Elle s'est inspirée des récits de son arrière-grand-mère, qui a vécu cet épisode tragique de l'histoire soviétique.

"Je voudrais vraiment chanter une chanson sur la paix et l'amour. Mais c'est ce que je souhaite à tout le monde: la paix et l'amour", a-t-elle déclaré à la remise du trophée.

"Oui !!!" a tweeté le président ukrainien Petro Porochenko. "Une prestation et une victoire incroyables! Toute l'Ukraine vous adresse un grand merci, Jamala".

La star américaine Justin Timberlake a chanté un de ses tubes, "Rock Your Body", puis pour la première fois son nouveau single "Can't Stop the Feeling" (Photo Jonathan NACKSTRAND/

Les jurys professionnels avaient d'abord plébiscité l'Australienne Dami Im, née en Corée du Sud il y a 27 ans, et très belle voix.

Mais les téléspectateurs ont offert un final haletant en donnant le plus de points à deux pays rivaux sur la scène diplomatique.

L'Ukraine a d'abord porté son total à 534 points, davantage que les 511 de l'Australie. Ne restait plus qu'à voir si la Russie en avait réuni suffisamment pour la dépasser. Mais Sergueï Lazarev a échoué, avec 491 points.

Le Russe Sergueï Lazarev, le 14 mai 2016 au concours de l'Eurovision à Stockholm (Photo JONATHAN NACKSTRAND /

Les commentateurs de la télévision publique russe Rossiya 1 ont félicité Jamala "avec plaisir", sans dire un mot des Tatars de Crimée. Selon eux, la chanson parle "de ses proches", sans plus de détails.

- 'Période sombre' -

L'édition 2016 devrait avoir été la plus regardée depuis la création de l'Eurovision, avec Justin Timberlake en vedette américaine.

La présentatrice Petra Mede avait souhaité aux téléspectateurs européens, américains, australiens et chinois "bienvenue à la plus grande compétition de chanson du monde!", dans une chaude ambiance, devant quelque 10.000 spectateurs.

"L'Europe traverse une période sombre de nouveau. Cela montre combien ce concours est important", a déclaré son comparse Måns Zelmerlöw, rappelant les débuts d'une émission qui remontent à la Guerre froide, en 1956.

Kitsch, strass et paillettes, airs entêtants et performances parfois étranges, débauche de moyens techniques, et l'expérience de la chaîne suédoise SVT qui avait déjà accueilli la finale 2013: tous les ingrédients étaient là.

L'Eurovision a frappé fort cette année avec sa première retransmission en direct aux États-Unis, sur une chaîne gay du câble, Logo. Les chiffres seront connus ultérieurement, mais elle devrait permettre le record de 197 millions de téléspectateurs de l'an dernier.

Justin Timberlake a chanté un de ses tubes, "Rock Your Body", puis pour la première fois son nouveau single "Can't Stop the Feeling", air euphorique qui aurait eu toutes ses chances au concours.

La France, avec Amir, Franco-Israélien de 31 ans, a terminé 6e, son meilleur résultat depuis 2002, derrière la Bulgarie (4e) et la Suède (5e).

La dernière victoire française est toujours celle de 1977, et la concurrence était sans doute trop relevée. Mais une meilleure formule a enfin été trouvée en sélectionnant un artiste qui a fait ses preuves à la télé, dans la version israélienne de Nouvelle Star et The Voice en France.

La Belgique, représentée par Laura Tesoro, a été 10e, soit moins bien qu'en 2015.

Pour sa deuxième participation, l'Australie n'est pas passée loin de son premier triomphe. Sa défaite évite un casse-tête: aller ou pas aux antipodes organiser l'édition 2017.

La finale était retransmise sur Youtube, offrant à Google une part du gâteau naguère réservé aux chaînes publiques du Vieux continent qui sont les organisatrices du concours.

Pour voir Justin Timberlake, 267.000 internautes étaient connectés.





STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – Good evening Europe this is Stockholm calling and live from Globen (or Globe Arena) this is the 61st Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final. 26 countries participate, Petra Mede and Måns Zelmerlöw host the show while Justin Timberlake will rock the arena in the interval act. Europrediction by has spoken: it seems that Russia and Australia will fight for the trophy. The show is aired in all participating countries plus Portugal, New Zealand, China and for the very first time in the US. The stream will be available also via YouTube. (photos in this post are taken from BBC Eurovision Facebook Page).

01. Belgium: What’s The Pressure sung by Laura Tesoro: A great start. Laura is so fresh and her move to her up-tempo entry are natural. That’s no fake choreagraphy here. Being first to perform can be a disadvantage, but at least, we’ve enjoyed that great opening!

02. Czech Republic: I Stand sung by Gabriela Gunčíková: It’s the first time we have the chance to see a Czech entrant during the Grand Final. Gabriela gives a flawless, classy performance of one of the best ballads of this year’s line up. The staging is really nice on screen and this song should do well with the juries.

03. The Netherlands: Slow Down sung by Douwe Bob: I’m not a huge fan of this « country » ballad but I must say that Douwe is just perfect for the exercise. A clever staging and a good interaction with the crowd for the last part of his song. Last time Holland went for country (2014) it was a big success. Let’s hope the same to « Slow Down »

04. Azerbaijan: Miracle sung by Samra: The first “tailor made” Eurovision song this evening. Lucky us, Samra is less off key tonight and gives a very good performance. The land of fire surely deserves its nickname, given the effort they put in staging a flamboyant act. I’m afraid, that may not be the best year for Azerbaijan though…

05. Hungary: Pioneer sung by Freddie: Handsome Freddie is giving a great performance here for a rather dark entry. The song is just perfect for him and his very manly voice. Nothing special in the staging, but “Pioneer” doesn’t need any gimmick. Unfortunately, being performed so early may mean viewers will soon forget this entry.


LIVE FROM ORESS CENTRE: reactions for Hungary

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06. Italy: No Degree Of Separation sung by Francesca Michielin: Sweet Francesca is perfectly performing her Sanremo entry. The staging is really beautiful and creates a genuine atmosphere around the young singer. Italy could surprise us tonight since “Nessun Grado Di Separazione” could be high in juries’ votes.

07. Israel: Made Of Stars sung by Hovi Star: Israel is granted us with the most beautiful ballad this year. Young Hovi Star is perfect and delivers a rather moving performance, surrounded by stars (of course). The second part of the song is much more powerful and beautiful on screen.

08. Bulgaria: If Love Was A Crime sung by Poli Genova: Poli definitely is Eurovision fans favourite. Her bilingual up tempo modern entry has conquered more than one heart during Eurovision week. The staging looks great (even though I’m not a huge fan of her futuristic outfit). She can definitely be called a dark horse tonight, given reactions in the audience. Maybe not juries’ favourite, but she’ll go high in the second part of voting I guess.


Reactions for Bulgaria at the press centre

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Poli got everybody in Globen dancing! #Eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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09. Sweden: If I Were Sorry sung by Frans: Time for the quietest entry of the evening, but not the worst one. Host country has decided to be very simple (for once) and the performance focuses on young Frans. “If I Were Sorry” is a good song and they of course love it over here. Even though I can find it a bit boring on radio, I must confess the performance is quite effective when performed live. A 7th victory on its way? One never knows…


Live from the press area reactions for Sweden

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10. Germany: Ghost sung by Jamie-Lee: Welcome to Jamie-Lee’s universe. The manga girl takes you to a futuristic forest to perform her nice ballad. A very mystical atmosphere here that could seduce many. I like the way she looks as fragile as a porcelain doll but has a great voice. She definitely embodies her song “Ghosr”, and at least, Germany is offering something original this year.

11. France: J’ai cherché sung by Amir: Amir has been called a favourite all the way to tonight’s final. The song is really good and everybody seems to enjoy singing along his “You ou ou ou ou”. France has nevertheless opted for a rather simple staging. Will it help it stand out and take the trophy? Not sure though. But at least, the country has taken the contest seriously for once!


France inside the arena @amir_officiel_ #eurovision #live

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Live from press area reactions for France

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12. Poland: Color Of Your Life sung by Michał Szpak: ack Sparrow ‘s on stage now. Sorry, this ballad is soooo boring to my ears, though perfectly performed and staged. But I can’t see this one doing very well tonight.


Live from the press area reactions for Poland #madtv #melfest #avmag #oikotimes #cometogether #eurovision #escpress

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13. Australia: Sound Of Silence sung by Dami Im: A strong contender here. Dami Im is so professional and as such a great voice that I can’t see her achieving a disappointed result tonight. The audience just loves her and she gives a flawless clever performance, conquering a whole continent. To my mind, this lacks a little bit of emotion though. Nevertheless, we should get ready to a first Australian victory…


The audience loves Dami I'm! #Eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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Live from press area reactions for Australia #live #eurovision #escpress #cometogether #oikotimes

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14. Cyprus: Alter Ego sung by Minus One: The first rock act of the evening is performed by Minus One. As far as pop rock is concerned, this is a brilliant act. The lead singer, François, is just perfect for the role, dark and mysterious. The staging is great, even if I don’t understand the cages. Well it’s Eurovision… The contest needs this kind of entries, so, whatever the outcome, “efcharisto “Cyprus.

15. Serbia: Goodbye (Shelter) sung by Sanja Vučić ZAA: Sounds just like a modern version of Serbia’s only winning entry “Modlitva”. Sanja looks beautiful and is performing a great powerful ballad. I like the staging, because backing vocalists and dancer are cleverly involved with the singer. The voice is flawless and strong. Of course we have Balkan elements, but come one, we love them!

16. Lithuania: I’ve Been Waiting For This Night sung by Donny Montell: The song is a bit more than average but this is probably my favourite on screen. What a great use of LED screens and I especially love the end of the song. Donny can definitely sing, perform (and even jump!). Not a winner, but a strong performance from the Baltic state!

17. Croatia: Lighthouse sung by Nina Kraljić: I just loved that song when first heard on the radio. An almost Celtic ballad, with modern elements and an astounding voice. Well, the staging doesn’t help here. First of all, the outfit is rather difficult on the eyes and the voice ain’t as good as it used to be. Nevertheless, Croatia is doing a great come back with this beautiful entry.

18. Russia: You Are The Only One sung by Sergey Lazarev: Sergey is THE clear favourite tonight: very good Eurovision song, very good performer and a remake of Mans’ staging from last year. It’s a great show on screen indeed. The question is, isn’t that too much, and don’t we forget Sergey performance in the midst of all those effect. Well, if Eurovision has become a show contest, this will win. If it’s still a song contest, maybe not…


Lots of applause for Russia as well #eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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Press area reactions for Russia #madtv #oikotimes #avmag #cometogether #melfest #eurovision

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19. Spain: Say Yai! sung by Barei: What a performance from Barei tonight! She’s setting the arena (and the press centre) on fire with her very catchy “Say Yay!”. The voice is good, the staging is good, the music is good and the gimmicks are clever ones for once. I just love her!


Press area reactions for Spain #eurovision #melfest #cometogether #avmag #oikotimes

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The audience loves Barei! #Eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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20. Latvia: Heartbeat sung by Justs: In for some electro sound? Good then! Young Justs is perfvorming the most modern entry (not to say up to date) of the evening. You either like it or hate it I guess. Well I do, and I can feel Aminata’s touch in “Heartbeat”. Last year’s Latvia did very well, and I don’t see why it would be different this year. The Latvian entry could even become a hit in most of European night clubs this summer…


Live press area reactions for Latvia #madtv #melfest #avmag #oikotimes #cometogether #eurovision #escpress

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21. Ukraine: 1944 sung by Jamala: She’s my personal favourite, because I’m one of those who still want Eurovision to be a SONG contest. Moving performance, incredible voice and of course a touching topic. Today is the eve of Ukrainian national day for what happened in Crimea years ago. Wouldn’t it be the perfect day for victory. Jamala just touches our souls with her performance. Ethnic, modern, emotional, unique could be the recipe for a Ukranian second trophy tonight. I guess juries will go for this one (but will the public will?).


Jamalas voice blows Globen away! #Eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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Massive media attention for press reactions on Ukraine

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22. Malta: Walk On Water sung by Ira Losco: A Maltese dance act now. The archipelago is in with something modern for once and I’m glad they did. Ira is just perfect and the staging is quite pleasant. Nevertheless, being just after Ukraine may make this performance look a bit cheap. Ira may not make juries walk on water tonight… but nice try!

23. Georgia: Midnight Gold sung by Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz: Underground rock on Eurovision stage? Really? Well yes. Even if I’m not an amateur of this type of music, I was told that “Midnight Gold” was a very good track in its category, and what a dynamic staging! Even if I was surprised they qualified, I must confess this song is growing on me. I’m sure the points Georgia will received tonight will surprise one that one fan! Beware!

24. Austria: Loin d’ici sung by ZOË: OK, I know this entry is very popular over here, that I should feel flattered she’s singing in French. But I just can’t listen to this! I guess I’m too old for this “Heidi” cartoon theme song revival. Too bad Zoë is too old, that would be a perfect Junior Eurovision entry for Austria’s debut someday. It’s sweet, far too sweet and childish. The staging and voice are perfect though. The problem here is the song, but that’s just my opinion since she will do very well I guess.


Suddenly everybody can sing in French! #Eurovision #cometogether #oikotimes #avmag #melfest #madtv

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25. United Kingdom: You`re Not Alone sung by Jack and Joe: A typical British pop act from the 2 lads. Their performance has much improved, and could save this average song from disaster. The boys are doing their best but the song remain so so and voices here aren’t flawless I’m afraid. I guess the UK will be last among the Big 5 tonight…


Live press area reactions for the United Kingdom #eurovision #melfest #avmag #cometogether #oikotimes

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26. Armenia: LoveWave sung by Iveta Mukuchyan: Forget about the song, it’s all about the staging and the good looking singer here. I’m afraid, the “alarm” effect is the only real interest of this performance. The Beyonce look will please one than one eye for sure, and the efforts Armenians put in producing a great staging will be much appreciated. I must say that the outcome of this one is difficult to predict…


And we're done with the songs! #Eurovision #cometogether #avmag #oikotimes #melfest #madtv

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This is the end of the 2016 competing part for the Eurovision Song Contest. Now we move to the interval section of the show beginning with a comedy video, continue with the recap of songs and of course the amazing videos of Swedish music history. The amazing SVT show for Eurovision 2016 continues with the superstar Justin Timberlake who presents a medley of his songs ending it with the performance of his brand new song. The latest look at the odds: unchanged top for Russia. It seems we go to Sochi! The big change in the odds is Spain who now ranks 4th in the bookies odds.


We love Justin! #Eurovision #cometogether #avmag #oikotimes #melfest #madtv

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The interval part continues with a recap of the songs and then the hosts present us the ultimate receive for Eurovision victory based on “scientific” method by a scientistic in Switzerland. The duo present an amazing act with figures from the past Eurovision winners giving advices of how to win the contest. Alexander Rybak appears on stage. Lord are also on stage when the hosts perform their amazing schlager Eurosong to win Eurovision while the features of Eurovision make the audience go frantic. With open T-Shirt Mans introduces us to Lynda Woodruff (the EBU spokesperson) making amazing remarks. Video will be provided later on! An amazing act. Highlight “We were asked why we are in Sweden? Answer: we ask the same question ourselves every winter!”. The nerd nation documentary is aired now. Now after Mans performing his brand new song we move to the voting. GOOD LUCK ALL!

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L'Ukraine bat la Russie à l'Eurovision
(Dimanche 15 mai 2016, 02h33) L'Ukraine a remporté le concours Eurovision de la chanson dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Stockholm, devant l'Australie, préférée par les jurys professionnels, et devant le favori des parieurs, la Russie.Lire
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(Photo STR /
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Ligue 1 : adieux d'Ibra au Parc, le pari fou de Toulouse lors de la 38e et dernière journée
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